• Njara A,Central Division Fortportal Tourism City
  • admin@econaturenow.com

ask question

Frequently asked questions

    01. Can i refer anyone?

    Once you have tried, liked, our products, you can refer friends, family members or neighbors in your network. we shall serve them diligently

    02. What is Eco Nature Now ?

    Nature Now is an eco-friendly manufacturing
    company of solar powered water irrigation
    pumps made from recycled materials.
    The NatureNow pump is a locally produced
    and powered by solar.

    03. Why we are the best?

    We listen to every voice.
    • Quality: We produce the best.
    • Trust: We walk the talk.
    • Sustainability: We care about the
    • Innovation: We create new ideas.
    • Affordability: We offer solutions for


    Many Years Experience Workers

    2023 Nature Now focuses on Research and Development to reduce the price of
    the pump and increase the quality. In 2024 we plan to upscale our operations
    and in 2026 we will break even and serve over 1300 farmers every year.

    our work process

    Contact us today to learn more about Solar powered irrigation power pump, or for more information
    regarding our process and services. We appreciate your consideration.

    01 Consultancy Services

    we don’t just provide eco-friendly solar-powered irrigation pumps—we also offer specialized consultancy services to help farmers, businesses, and communities implement management.

    02 Our Solar Energy Supply

    At NatureNow, we provide high-efficiency solar panels designed to power irrigation systems, homes, businesses, and communities with clean, renewable energy.

    03 Solar Powered Water Pumps

    we are revolutionizing water access with our solar-powered water pumps, designed for sustainable irrigation, livestock watering, and community water supply